Fat Intake

The Real Facts!

Every day we are exposed to a new diet that is supposed to revolutionise the weight loss industry, but to be completely honest most of them will omit a vital nutrient essential to maintaining optimal health. Such diets as the Atkins diet or the Eat More Weigh Less diets may produce results in the short term, but can not be sustained in the long term.

The answer to improving health and fitness is to choose the best quality of food, supplements and follow a diet that incorporates all nutrients in its required amounts. Fact is Carbohydrates, Fat, and Protein are all important as they all serve a purpose in the body, and are needed in various quantities to maintain general health. Neglecting one of these nutrients for a long period of time is not only unhealthy, but can create serious problems down the track.


Let’s Look as to Why?

Fat is required for the production of cell membranes , blood lipids {body fat} , bile and vitamin D. Fat molecules are made up of glycerol and fatty acids, furthermore fat is used to regulate body temperature, and it’s used in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and is the only source of Linoleic Acid. Linoleic Acid is required for skin growth, and maintenance.

A daily requirement for this nutrient is around 12-15 grams per day. Some fats are better than others, but having too much fat of any type is not a good idea The Various Groups of Fats Each group of fats behaves differently in the body; the idea is to avoid the group which contains Animal Fats {Saturated Fats}. Saturated Fats contribute to the risk of heart disease by raising blood cholesterol levels, and clogging arteries. They are mostly found in foods containing fatty cuts of meat, full cream milk, and cheese, and most commercially baked products such as, biscuits, pastries and most deep fried fast foods.

Monounsaturated Fats & Polyunsaturated Fats:

These two groups of fats tend to lower blood cholesterol, and do quite the opposite of what saturated fats do to your health. Monounsaturated Fats Include margarine spreads such as canola, and olive oil, peanut oil based spreads, avocados and nuts such as peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds.

Polyunsaturated fats:

Include fish oils, seafood, polyunsaturated margarines, vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn or soy oils, walnuts and brazilian nuts. Omega 6 and Omega 3 Fats Benefits Include: Lower blood cholesterol, which is important to reducing coronary heart disease Improve blood vessel elasticity Thin the blood, which makes it less sticky and less likely to clot Reduces inflammation and boosts immune system Contributes to the normal development of the fetal brain Omega 3 Fats Omega 3 fats are found in both plant and marine foods such as canola, soy oils and canola based margarines. Marine sources especially oily fish include Atlantic salmon, mackerel, southern blue fin tuna trevally, and sardines.

Omega 6 Fats:

Omega 6 fats are predominantly found in nuts, seeds and plant oils such as corn, soy and sunflower. Conclusion If fat loss is your goal then do not exceed 15 grams a day, fat in any form will not make you look good in front of the mirror, because fat is calorie dense 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories, as opposed to protein and carbohydrates being 4.2 calories per gram.

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