Tips to Losing Fat

1. Minimize the saturated fat intake consumed in your diet, remember saturated fat is not only bad for your waist line, but also bad for your general health. Saturated fat is normally found in animal fats such as steaks, bacon, skin left on the chicken breast, vegetable oil {try using olive oil instead}. Ask your butcher to trim off all the fat before you hand over the money.

2. Make sure you include plenty of proteins from a variety of whole food sources supplements can be used to replenish nitrogen levels in the muscle, especially following exercise to assist with muscle repair, maintenance and recovery.

3. Your body’s preferred energy source is Carbohydrates. {Not fat as used in the Atkins diet}.

4. The energy content of Carbohydrates is 4.2 calories per gram Protein is 4.2 calories per gram, Fat is 9 calories per gram which is good idea to avoid. Fat is calorie dense.

5. Reduce your calorie intake during the later part of the day avoid pasta, rice, breads, potatoes, cereals in the evening.

kevin_orig6. Increase Protein intake later in the evening.

7. Consume low glycemic carbohydrates in the first half of the day, they provide a more sustainable release of energy to maintain insulin levels for better fat utilization.

8. Try going for a brisk walk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, its very important that you do not over exert yourself, the walk should not go for more than 25 minutes, this will use fat as an energy source and help you burn fat. Remember to have a nutritious breakfast straight after something i.e high in Carbohydrates, and Protein.

9. L-Carnitine: Supplementing with this non essential amino acid is a very popular in the sports nutrition market. Research shows that Carnitine has a dramatic effect on fat metabolism and the reduction of blood fats, like triglycerides. Carnitine is also responsible for transferring fatty acids across cell membranes to the michondria {the furnace of a cell}, where they can be used as energy. Basically speaking L-Carnitine helps make fat more readily available for energy use.

10. Changes in your diet will be required to some extent, your total calorie intake has to be less than your total calorie expenditure.

Portion size can be the simplest way of weight control instead of counting calories all the time, stick with portions that fit in your palm, visualize as follows

One serving of meat, or fish = tight fist

One serving of rice or pasta = tight fist

A baked potato = computer mouse

One serving of butter, mayonnaise or other fats = thumb tip

11 If on the other hand you want to count calories, base your intake on the following table .

For mass gain: your weight x 18

For maintenance: your weight x 15

For fat loss: your weight x 12

12 Last but not least. Be Consistent, fat loss takes time { Rome was not built in one day} never give up on what you want to do Conclusion The main objective to losing weight is to loose fat not muscle. A high protein diet will protect against muscle loss {after all muscle is made up of protein}. A high protein containing diet should always be the cornerstone of anyone’s diet, no matter what their goal is.

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Have a goal in mind, & monitor your success. Plan to succeed!

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